Category: Facts & Figures

10 Facts Proving Email is Better than Facebook
Email has proven time and time again to be a far better marketing tool than Facebook or social media in general. Email has been around virtually since the beginning of the Internet as we know it. Social media, such as Facebook, is still relatively new compared to email. In addition,Read More

14 Reasons Why Email is the Most Meaningful Marketing Medium
Many believe that email marketing is becoming ‘old school’. But this is far from the truth. Email marketing is still the most important form of marketing today. The sad reality is that many businesses either don’t understand the importance of email as a marketing tool or they do not useRead More

30 Amazing Facts About Affiliate Marketing that Will Blow Your Mind
#1. US affiliate marketing industry generates nearly $5 Billion in revenue each year. This is larger than the nominal GDPs of countries such as Barbados, Belize, Fiji, Seychelles, and many others. [source 1 | source 2] #2. Affiliate marketing accounts for nearly 1% of the UK’s total GDPRead More