Internet Marketing Classes for Beginners

Are you searching for internet marketing classes for beginners? Then you are in the right place. Wealthy Affiliate provides training, techniques, tips and tools covering a wide range of topics. Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone wanting to start or grow an online business. Network with over 800,000 other online entrepreneurs from 195 different countries. Benefit from the 50 lessons in the Certification Course, 70 lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp, 52 Live Webinars each year and hundreds of classes in the Open Education Project. Get 25 free websites on SiteRubix and 25 websites with your own domain name. Get access to a very powerful Keyword tool and tons of security features and the latest technology powering your website. Join Wealthy Affiliate today. It’s free to get started (no credit card required until you’re ready).
My Rating of Wealthy Affiliate Training – 9.5/10
My Rating of Wealthy Affiliate Tools – 9/10
My Rating of Relevance of Courses for Beginners 10/10
Internet marketing is a must in today’s world. Let’s face it. If you are not online, you are not on sale! So it is understandable that you are looking for the best solutions to help you take advantage of all that the Internet has to offer. If you’re looking for the best online internet marketing classes for beginners that you can find anywhere in the world, then look no further, Wealthy Affiliate is here to help. There are literally hundreds of courses, training modules, live video classes, community support, coaching from top level members (including the owners Kyle and Carson). Plus, you get a whole lot of tools to help you build your business – free website domains, website building tools, a powerful keyword tool, site protection, writing and content management tools, live chat, direct communication with over 800,000 like-minded members and so much more. Click here to join Wealthy Affiliate and get access to the best Internet marketing online classes for beginners you can find anywhere on the web. No B.S.
The Wealthy Affiliate Certification Courses
There are so many classrooms and training modules to choose from. But to get started you’d need to begin with the Certification Courses. The certification courses at Wealthy Affiliate consists of 5 levels and each level consists of 10 classes. That makes a total of 50 classes with 172 practical tasks as you progress through the training. There’s a monitor that tracks your progress. Once completed you get a special permanent sticker / certificate that tells the rest of the community that you have successfully completed the program. This remains on your profile for the duration of your account. You can complete the certification courses at your own pace. Finish in five days or five weeks or five months. It’s all up to you. What I found useful about the certification courses is that it is very practical. You’re learning and building your business at the same time. They tell you do this or do that and before you know it your online business is up and running in no time. It’s that simple. I thought building an online business would be challenging. What do I know about website development. But with the training it was so easy that even I was surprised, and that does not happen very often.
The five levels of the certification program cover a number of areas as follows:
Level 1 – Getting Started.
As the name suggests, these ten courses are the basics that any beginner internet marketer needs to know, including understanding the basics of making money online, how to choose a niche based on your interests and hobbies, how to build and set up your website, how to optimize your website for seach engines like Google, how to use keywords to build quality content, just to name a few. The Getting Started Course (Level 1) is your first step in unleashing your inner entrepreneur and setting you on the right path to becoming a successful online business owner. This level gives you an introduction and general overview of online marketing and how to set up an online business. And the super part is that this level is completely free.
Apart from the general introductions and understanding of the basics of online marketing and building an online business, the most important area covered in this level is identifying and selecting a relevant niche for your business. As you know, there are so many opportunities, products, services, and customers to choose from. However, you can’t sell everything to everyone. You need to find your niche and Level 1 will help you with that.
Level 2 – Building Your Own Traffic-Producing Website.
Level 2 of the Certification Courses gives the beginner internet marketer the ins and outs of driving traffic to a website. Let’s face it, the main objective of having an online business or engaging in online marketing is to get people to buy your product or service, in other words, to make money. However, in order to make money you need real people with real buying potential. But building a website won’t automatically bring people (traffic) to your website. Building a website and expecting people to automatically visit your site is like building a shopping mall in the middle of the Sahara Desert and expecting people to visit every day. You need to create the right strategies and techniques, using the right tools to get high volumes of visitors to your website and the Level 2 classes will definitely help. It does not happen overnight. You need time and practice. So patience is key.
Add to the mix, the powerful search engines. These search engines, particularly Google which accounts for two-thirds of online searches, utilize stringent algorithms (special software and programming) to control how people find your business online. Search is built around keywords and content. This online course for beginners will help you navigate the complex rules that are imposed by search engines and will help you figure out how to get ranked on search engines.
I thought I’d never be able to get my website optimized to be easily found on Google. But alas, with the training that Wealthy Affiliate provided, I can say that it was much easier than I expected. Once I did exactly as I was instructed, getting found on Google became a reality. It was a gradual process, not something that happened overnight. But is was a sure process that yielded positive results in the end and still continues to do so today. Not I’m working on my third online business and it’s really rewarding (and I’m not just talking about money).
The Leve 2 certification classes cover areas such as, developing your domain name or brand, selecting the right theme for your website, setting up your domain-specific email account, understanding website traffic, using visual content to make your website sexy and engaging, using WordPress to effectively and easily build your site, getting powerful low hanging fruit keywords, making your site personal and relatable, amplifying Google, and getting ranked high up in search results. Click here to get started at Wealthy Affiliate and join me and over 800,000 other like-minded entrepreneurs at the most powerful internet marketing training platform in the world.
Level 3 – Making Money.
Let’s be honest. The ultimate reason you want to develop a website or online business is to make money. Sure enough, you want to help others and contribute positively to the betterment of planet earth. But when all is said and done, making money is just as important as making a difference. But in order to make money you need to have traffic and to do this, you need to provide a genuine service or product that helps people. So you see, having philanthropic goals of helping others is not bad after all. If your focus is only about making money and not helping others then you will not reach your full potential as an online entrepreneur.
The Level 3 internet marketing training classes will help you effectively monetize your website. This level covers areas such as, the basics of making money online, the ins and outs of affiliate and network marketing programs and how to effectively use these programs, how to leverage product reviews, how to get paid through placing ads on your site, the difference between earning pennies and earning dollars, tracking your monetization progress and becoming a successful entrepreneur financially. Click here to get started at Wealthy Affiliate and be one of many (including myself) who are successfully making money online.
Level 4 – Mastering Social Engagement.
No one can deny the importance of social media marketing. As of mid-2017, there were 2 billion Facebook users, 1.5 billion YouTube users, 700 million Instagram users and 328 million users on Twitter. These staggering numbers cannot be ignored. To get people to know about your product, visit your website and ultimately make a purchase, you need to engage them where they spend most of their time and where the majority of the traffic is located.

Source: www.techcrunch.com/2017/06/27/facebook-2-billion-users/
As with any business, it’s all about location, location, location. So get with the program and start engaging social networks to grow you business. But there are lessons you need to know before you can just dive in. Level 4 of the Wealthy Affiliate online training program will take you inside the world of social media marketing and cover issues such as, the meaning of social engagement, using social media the right way, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google Plus, developing social campaigns and how to be focused and targeted with social media marketing. It covers just about everything a beginner needs to know about social media marketing. So, join me on the inside and get started now.
Level 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation.
The success of your online business really boils down to one key ingredient – content. Content helps the search engines index you. High quality content helps you rank high in organic search results. Useful content makes your business relevant and attractive as it fills a need and contribute positively to enriching the lives of your visitors. While all of the other four levels are important, I strongly believe that this level which focuses on content is by far, the most important level of all. You cannot underestimate the power of quality content in driving the success of your online business. Level 5 covers a number of important areas that relate to content such as, Google webmaster tools, how to improve indexing times and speed, how to make your content engaging and interesting to your readers, how to plan and schedule your content creation for maximum success, how to write content to convert your reader into a buyer, how to leverage the power of comments, and how to optimize content for all search engines such as Yahoo and Bing. I learned a lot about writing great content and you can too. Just sign up and get started here.
After completing the Wealthy Affiliate Certification Courses, your business will be ready, up and running. Keep on growing with the many other classes, courses and community support. Get started now. The other classes and training programs are explained in the sections that follow.
Weekly Live Video Classes
In addition to the certification courses, there are other classes and learning opportunities for beginners as well as, seasoned online practitioners. All available at Wealthy Affiliate. One such learning opportunity is the weekly Live Video Classes. The videos are aired live each weak, usually on a Friday. So that’s 52 live webinars each year. Members can subscribe to watch and engage in the live videos at no charge. If you miss a Friday you can always watch it later at your convenience as the videos are saved for members to view at their leisure. There are hundreds of videos dating as far back as September 2012 (that’s five years of weekly videos. You do the math). Topics covered range from beginner issues such as starting a blog to advanced issues such as, understanding how to use HTML code. I have to admit, sometimes it feels like information overload but the good part i that I get to choose what I watch, how much I watch and when. So it’s entirely manageable.
Watch this step-by-step video on how to to promote your business with Youtube. Just a sample video for you to get a taste of what the live video classes entail. Click here or the image below.
The live video classes are developed and delivered by Jay, a Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador. Jay delivers the video training webinars that are offered exclusively to Premium Members at Wealthy Affiliate. Jay has vast experience and knowledge in the Internet marketing world, from PPC, local marketing, content development, SEO, and website development (programming, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and much more). The weekly training videos are an absolute necessity to your growth as an online entrepreneur. Don’t miss out! Join Jay and I on the inside today.
Training Classrooms – The Open Education Project
At Wealthy Affiliate they encourage members to share their experiences and what they have learned with the rest of the community in the training classrooms. This form of sharing is called the Open Education Project. Some of the best training is found in these training classrooms. You’d find seasoned veterans of online marketing and some of the top Wealthy Affiliate members and ambassadors creating free-to-view training. I find this to be very useful. First, as a user as I’ve learned so much, I can literally do a search for just about any topic and rest assured, it will be found in the training classrooms. This form of search is much more targeted than a generic Google search. Secondly, I find the open education to be useful as a contributor myself. Whenever I master a particular area I sometimes share it with the rest of the community. You see, at Wealthy Affiliate we help each other. It’s about community, collaboration and cooperation and not just competition. That’s one of the main things I just love about Wealthy Affiliate. What I discovered, is that the process of developing the training actually helps me to solidify and refine my own learning on the topic at hand. The best way to master something is to teach it. So, I encourage you to not only learn from the open education training classrooms at Wealthy Affiliate but to also become a contributor over time. Only Premium Members can contribute.
Here’s a topic I shared with the community. It deals with how to learn from and monitor your competitors. Click on the image below to find out more about the tools and techniques required for competitor analysis. This is a two part training series.
Affiliate Bootcamp
There’s a whole other world of training at Wealthy Affiliate called the Affiliate Bootcamp. As the name suggests, the training in this area focuses specifically on how to become a super affiliate marketer. This area consists of seven (7) phases with a total of seventy (70) lessons and 230 practical tasks to carry out. It is a progressional learning system, where you only move forward after you have successfully completed each task requested in the lessons. Talk about learning and doing and growing and building your business all at once.
The Affiliate Bootcamp at WA has some overlap with the Certification Program but you get a different perspective plus there are additional topics covered here that are not covered in the Certification Program. Some of these courses include how to understand your markets and captivate them, understanding how to carry out Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, leveraging sign-up forms and videos to get more referrals, leveraging landing pages to get more customers and so much more. Too many classes to get into here. But you can find out more about the Affiliate Bootcamp here.
The Best Internet Marketing Classes for Beginners. Ever!
As I said earlier, Wealthy Affiliate is by far, the best Internet marketing training platform for beginners, bar none! The hundreds of classes, videos, practical insights, strategies and techniques are designed, developed and delivered in a down to earth, easy to read and highly informative manner. Literally anyone at any level, from any walk of life and any age group or cultural background can follow the vast training program at Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve never met a disappointed Wealthy Affiliate member yet. And there are virtually no bad reviews online. Over 800,000 members cannot be wrong. Take the challenge and unleash your inner entrepreneur today.
Kevon, well written article about Wealthy Affiliate. I have a smile on my face, because I have been scammed so many times – I mean literally threw money out the window trying to make money online. By accident I found out about WA online. I went the free route for seven days to look over what they had to offer. I then went premium on the sixth day so I could take advantage of the $19 first month fee that WA offers. Well I quit WA twice. I couldn’t get beyond the scams that are out there and my being scammed in the past. I was afraid WA was just a clone of all the other scams I had joined. But then I thought, I wasn’t being fair to WA, calling them scammers when I hadn’t given them a real chance. So, I went through the training. During that time I built my first site. I took advantage of the support that WA offers and three years later, I’m still with them and my site is doing great. Love me some WA!!
All the best to you,
Hi Don,
Thanks so much for your comments. Your story is so similar to many online entrepreneurs out there, myself included. There are people trying to make a quick buck. They make false claims, offer shoddy and inferior products or are downright fraudulent. Wealthy Affiliate has been such a breath of fresh air. The community, cooperation, support, training and tools are second to none. I am glad that you too have found a home at Wealthy Affiliate and that you business is also thriving. All the best to you buddy.
Thank you for this informative article! I was searching online for a way to make money with my computer and I was inundated with so many scams that my head was spinning. It took me a full two weeks to even begin to sort out which programs *might* be legit. Your post has shown me that Wealthy Affiliate has legitimate education, and that anyone can try it for free! This is vital information for anyone who wants to start blogging!
Thanks Irma for your comment. I know exactly how you feel. But if you do a search for wealthy affiliate scam or something like that you won’t find a single bad review and that’s a rare thing. Good luck in your online business pursuits.
I believe this post has perfectly summed up how I feel about wealthy affiliate. There was nothing left out here and I found myself nodding along in agreement the whole time.
I was not aware of the whole realm of affiliate bootcamp. After reading this I must look into it as it sounds very interesting. There is always something to do at wealthy affiliate. May I ask what is your favourite part about WA?
Thank you.
Thanks for this comment Peter. For me, the favorite part of WA is the community support. Coming from a corporate environment where everyone was focused on their own progress, even to the detriment of others (typical dog eat dog environment), it was such a breath of fresh air to find a complete different culture at Wealthy Affiliate. Instaed of competion there was cooperation. Instead of just trying to get ahead, people at Wealthy Affiliate genuinely try to help each other out. You can connect, communicate, cooperate and compete with everyone and have fun doing so. I have come to think of WA as my family.
Hi Kevon,
I am so happy to read this post here. And yes, Wealty Affiliate is a very good course to start as a beginner. I joined WA with no knowledge in april an have now finished the 5 courses which gives me so much information that i am now already running my only business.
For me, now its time to start the “bootcamp course” and i really looking forward for it.
Thanks Philip,
Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn and earn at the same time. You and I are living proof that you can set up your online business while you learn. You will love the Wealthy affiliate Bootcamp program. While it focuses on promoting Wealthy Affiliate as an affiliate marketing option, you can take the principles learnt there and apply it to any affiliate marketing program. Good luck with that and let me know how you fare.
All the best
Hi, Kevon!
Wealthy Affiliate certainly has a LOT to offer both newbies and seasoned marketers who want to start up and build out successful businesses in the affiliate marketing arena. 🙂
Having personally come across and even tried a few internet marketing programs, they have always failed to deliver on their promises on the value front. It just seems that more effort goes into the sales pages rather than the actual platforms lol.
And in my experience, not everything is always included in the “too good to be true” membership fees because Gurus generally promote “upsells” for the more advanced training, extra tools, and at times, even community support.
This is why Wealthy Affiliate is so amazing – Not only does WA beat nearly all platforms when it come to pricing, but it also provides the training, tools, and support (EVERYTHING) under one roof for building profitable businesses.
I also love the fact that there are live weekly training videos because it helps to keep WA updated with fresh training content that works in this day and age of internet marketing.
Cheers for the review of such a superb community!
Thanks Neil for your comments. It is always refreshing to hear the feedback of satisfied customers. Wealthy Affiliate does everything completely opposite to the corporate world and to a lot of so-called online gurus as you said. No Upsells (ever). A free trial period with No Credit Card required. They NEVER spam you. They forbid spamming within the community. There is just SO MUCH you get for the rediculous price of $359 a year. I’m always amazed by that. Another training program wanted me to pay $2000 for training on just ONE subject area. But at WA you get training on literally hundreds of topics, you get amazing tools (like the Keyword tool and site performance) and lots more. We are both two happy customers of Wealthy Affiliate.
WOW…this is certainly a VERY composite review of Wealthy Affiliate. You have certainly crossed all your ‘T’s and dotted your ‘I’s.
I have heard of Wealthy Affiliate before and like most people, I check out the reviews to see what the ‘hype’ is all about.
The educational value that is being offered cannot be underestimated – it is as PLAIN as day!!
I have to go and give this a shot…I only see a win-win situation going on for my personal education and investment of self.
I just want to say thank you, Kevon for taking the time to make things so vivid for people like myself who aspire to take their mental growth to the next level.
Thanks for your comment, Michelle.
You are totally correct, the educational component at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none. You get basically everything you need to know to start an online business from scratch.
And the way the training is set up at Wealthy Affiliate y following and completing the tasks in each training module you literally bbuild your online usiness as you learn. So it’s akin to a coaching system as well. Really awesome.
Thanks for commenting and sharing.
All the best
I concur that the training at Wealthy Affiliate is extremely down to earth, easy to follow, and incredibly informative. By far the best training available for both cost and quality of information and resources.
I’m extremely thankful for the opportunities made available through Wealthy Affiliate, and recommend it to anyone looking to build a business online.
Thank you Isaya for your comment and positive testimonial on your experience with Wealthy Affiliate. I like that you said that is is “the best training available for both cost and quality of information and resources”. This is in fact, very true. You can’t eat the price and what you get is far more than what you pay for at Wealthy Affiliate.
Great overview of what I consider the best internet marketing training platform I have ever seen.
I have not found certification courses, continuous up to date training, tools, resources and a thriving community anywhere else on the internet.
If anyone is serious about making money online you have to first gain the knowledge of how to do so – Wealthy Affiliate is a master of this!
The community is helpful and you have everything you need under one roof to succeed online.
I think what I like most about it is the continuous updated training. Many times we buy a training course for a few hundred dollars and it is never updated.
Wealthy Affiliate ensures we are on the cutting edge of “what is working now” in the internet marketing space.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Nate for this endorsement of Wealthy Affiliate and for sharing what you like most about the platform.
There isn’t anything you said in your comment that I do not agree with 100%.
Thanks for sharing your article.
Full of wonderful information.
One great thing I love about Wealthy Affiliate, the community! The people in Wealthy Affiliate are so wonderful. They are ready and willing to help each other out if they have a problem understanding something.
Wealthy Affiliate and the community loves to see others succeed. You can’t get that from any other hosting platform.
Branda, you and I are on the same page here.
I totally love the community as well. Of course, the training and tools are amazing, but the community is what really makes Wealthy Affiliate stand apart from the rest.
Thanks for sharing your own experience with Wealthy Affiliate and for your endorsement of the program.
Hi Kevon,
A great detailed article you have written here! Anyone reading this can truly see how wonderful a system Wealthy Affiliate is. I was lucky to “bump” into WA when looking for affiliate marketing online, and after trying them out for their 7-day free trial, signed up and I never looked back!
Definitely 7 days of having the whole platform open to you as an introduction make you understand really quickly what a wonderful and truthful system this is.
Since joining, I have also tried other additional programs – to complement my online business, and though there are some good programs and systems out there, the majority try to upsell you some more stuff once you have “joined” one to their programs…which is really annoying and makes you feel you are being scammed!
Wealthy AFfiliate has no upsell what so ever, and the pay-it-forward system is absolutely great!
I am so glad I have found WA!
Cheers – Orion
Thanks for your comment Orion.
And thanks also for sharing your personal experience of Wealthy Affiliate.
I found the community to be second-to-none. I was totally blown away that people would actually be willing to help you with your business and in many cases many of them expect nothing in return. People are so friendly and supportive. Truly amazing. The whole community system is completely opposite to what I’ve experienced in the corporate world. In the corporate world it’s really a dog-eat-dog game. People will cut you down just to get ahead. And while I understand that competition is inevitable, the way it is done has to be humane.
Wealthy Affiliate shows that the money-making business on the internet is so huge that we can all prosper even if we help each other out. What a novel concept!
I laud Kyle and CArson for their vision and innovation in creating Wealthy Affiliate. And by the look of things you have a similar sentiment as well.
You know, it is just so amazing of the many features to Wealthy Affiliate.
Within the community, people receive a wealth of knowledge and training to help them build an awesome website and to be successful in the online business world.
Wealthy Affiliate has so much to offer and I would encourage anyone to become a part of this community.
Thanks Norman for your endorsement of Wealthy Affiliate. You are totally correct, the wealth of knowledge is amazing and the community is just awesome.
Thanks for stopping by