15 Reasons You Need to Start an Online Business ASAP
In today’s world, it is not business as usual. Technology is disrupting the way we live, work and do business.
The Internet has created lots of challenges for individuals and businesses alike.
At the same time, the Internet has also created real opportunities that have forever changed the face of the world.
Many people are taking advantage of this massive opportunity that the Internet is creating and acquiring real financial freedom for themselves and their families. You can be one of them too.
The Internet is the most powerful marketing platform ever invented. Traditional marketing (TV, radio, print, etc.) has been around for centuries but nothing so far can compare to the power of the Internet as a marketing tool.
You can communicate with targeted customers instantly through email, social media, a website, pay-per-click advertising, organic search, content marketing, video marketing, blogging, location-based marketing, Big Data Analytics, affiliate marketing, gamification marketing, etc.
Sounds confusing? Well, it can be, if you do not know what you are doing. But have no fear, it’s not as complicated as you think. With the right training, you can be as good as or even better than the average online marketer. No BS!
I’m living proof that anyone can do great things online. I had no clue about internet marketing or how to build a website or how to get people to actually visit my site and buy from me.
But now, I’m doing all of the above and pretty well I might say.
Join me at Wealthy Affiliate and learn how to start an online business. You’ll get help from a lot of other people just like you who have started online businesses too. Ask questions. Follow the training. Select a niche. Build your website using ready-made tools. And much, much more.
Here are 15 reasons you need to start an online business. And the faster you start the better because others are also grabbing this opportunity. You should too before it is too late.
1. Being an Employee will Never Make you Rich
Let’s face the facts. You can never get rich by being an employee.
The institutionalized concept we call a job is designed so that you work your butt off for someone else to get rich. In the meantime, they offer you a pittance in the form of a salary, just to keep you around.
A 2017 study by Market Watch revealed that 50% of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck. Their jobs are not providing the financial freedom that it should.
A separate survey conducted by MetLife found that 49% of employees are “concerned, anxious or fearful about their current financial well-being.”
Just think about how much money you were able to save in your last job? Do you think that you’d ever get rich one day with that job? Never!
But the potential to get rich online is very real.
Do you want to learn how to make money online the right way, even if you have no clue what to do or how to start?
Yes Kevon, show me how to start an online business the right way today.
I know of many who are making hundreds of thousands and others who are making millions. But it does not happen overnight. It could possibly take a while before you’d get there. But get there you will, once you know what to do and how to do it.
2. Why Work Your Butt Off to Get Someone Else Rich
Business is like a machine. The more you work the machine the more money you make.
But as an employee, you are working that machine to make someone else rich.
You are overworked, underpaid and stressed out. All for what? To create wealth for someone else?
What about YOUR needs? What about YOUR future? What about YOUR family? What about YOUR wealth?
With an online business, you can start taking control of your financial situation. You can still keep your 9-5 job if you want, at least initially and as you grow and scale your business and start making consistent money, you can then quit the 9-5 and replace your J.O.B. with J.O.Y.
3. Job Security is Dead!
Just look at what happened during the Global Economic Recession of 2008. Many people lost their jobs.
The crash of oil prices and the decline of other commodity prices have forced many businesses to close down causing thousands of employees to lose their jobs.
Back in 2008, I was unemployed. I worked in the Investment Banking sector and due to personal circumstances, I had to migrate.
It was the worst time to move. The recession ensued and getting a new job was virtually impossible. I was home for months and grew increasingly frustrated and bored.
I had to search for coins in the crease of the couch. All of the piggy banks with coins saved up over the years were emptied. Many days I had to go vegetarian just because buying meat was too expensive.
I found myself desperate and tried just about everything. I tried all sorts of different opportunities from MLM to dropshipping to posting items for sale on Craigslist.
So I know what it’s like to be unemployed, desperate and searching for some sort of opportunity that could make money.
Do you believe that job security is dead? If so, tell me more about your situation and I will show you the #1 thing you need to do to take control of your life today.
>>>> Yes Kevon, show me the #1 thing I need to do right now. <<<<<<
4. Stop Cheating Your Future Self – You’re Not Getting Any Younger
The longer you stay in your current situation the less time you have to get things on the right track. You are not getting any younger.
I wish I had discovered the joys of working for myself a long time ago. Turning 40 and realizing I had no real savings and no solid future was a huge eye-opener for me.
I did not own my home.
I was working in a job that barely covered my living expenses.
I felt as if I had not achieved anything to talk about.
What was I doing with my life?
Turning to the Internet was what gave me hope.
Now, I no longer worry about retirement.
The fact that you are still reading means that you are interested in securing your financial future.
Do you want to learn what is the one thing you could start doing today to ensure that you are able to retire in style? Then click the button below.
>>>>>>>Yes Kevon, show me the one thing I need to do to ensure my financial future. Give me instant access now.<<<<<<
5. Get Limitless Freedom – To Be, Do and Have What You Want
An online business affords you limitless freedom.
You can set the hours. You can set the pace.
With an online business, you are able to determine where you want to work and how you want to work.
For example, today I’m working in a T-shirt and shorts at a friends house. Just had a glass of wine and I’d to be chilling on Netflix once I’m done with this. That’s freedom!
No traffic congestion!
No boss!
Wake up when you want!
Sleep when you want!
The choice is yours.
And as you build out your business over time and set it up to be automated, you’d be able to have more and more time to yourself.
But you really do have to put in some hours in the early stages.
Click here to find out how you can put things in place to get the kind of freedom you want and deserve, even if you don’t know where or how to start.
>>>>>Yes Kevon, show me how I can get financial freedom now.<<<<<
6. Experience the Joy of Doing Something For Yourself
There’s no better feeling than being able to take control of your life and achieve success.
Running a successful online business and being able to really dictate your future and control your destiny create a real sense of pride and joy.
Trust me, it’s an amazing feeling.
7. Start a Business Doing Something You’re Passionate About
Have you ever had the experience of being given a task or taking on a job simply because you had to and not because you wanted to or loved what you did?
Being in a situation where you hate what you do gradually sucks the life out of you.
If you are working just to pay the bills then you are killing yourself softly and slowly. Your joy disappears and all you ever think about all day long is for 5 o’clock to reach or for Friday to come along.
If you are constantly looking at the clock or longing for Friday, that’s a sign you are not doing what you love.
Compare that to doing something you really love. You wake up feeling ready to go and you go bed feeling so accomplished and even energized. The feeling of excitement and achievement can only come from doing something you’re passionate about.
8. Is Traditional Business Dying?
Traditional business models are dying. What do I mean by that? Many businesses have had to reinvent themselves or close down altogether because of the Internet.
Consider that 15 to 20 years ago travel agents and tour operators all over the world were in a frenzy because of the dawn of OTAs (online travel agents) such as Expedia.
They had to literally reinvent themselves or face extinction.
Now the Internet is disrupting everything.
The largest retail store in the world is Amazon, yet they do not have any physical stores.
The largest taxi company in the world is Uber. However, they don’t own a single vehicle.
The largest leisure accommodation company in the world is Airbnb and they don’t own a single hotel.
You get the point.
What will be the fate of the company you work for by the time you are ready to retire? Will you even reach retirement age in the current company you work for?
9. You can Have an Easier Life – If You Put Systems in Place Now
Many people look at the successful online entrepreneurs, at their luxurious lifestyle, travel, holidays, nice cars, modern houses and all the niceties that come with having money and think that that’s something only certain kinds of people can achieve. They think that the ‘easy life’ is not for them.
First of all, you have to realize that the ‘easy life’ only came after a long time of really hard work and many times, failure.
But the easy life can be for anyone.
All you need to do is to put the systems in place sooner rather than later.
There are so many types of opportunities out there – hundreds, even thousands.
But having an online business is what I consider to be one of the easier options.
10. There are Lots of Ordinary People Making Money Online
There are lots of ordinary people making tons of money online. And I know that you are not just ordinary. You’re extraordinary, right?
But even if you think you are not all that special then you still have no excuse.
People from all walks of life and backgrounds are making a full-time living on the Internet and quitting their 9-5 jobs.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say. There are tons of success stories of people making money online.
Here are a few examples of Wealthy Affiliate members (most of them beginners) who have shared their success stories.
11. You Don’t Need to Invest a Lot of Money
Setting up a traditional business requires hundreds of thousands, and even millions, of dollars to get started. You have overheads to consider, employee salaries, investing in buying products or in production.
You could spend millions even before you make one sale. Even a small business requires money to get going. You’d have to take loans or beg from family and friends.
You may have to pay for a few subscriptions in some online tools such as website domain (about $15 a year) or other business automation tools. But you won’t spend more than one or two hundred dollars a month.
Wouldn’t you easily spend $200 a month if you knew it could generate $2,000 for you?
That’s a 900% return on investment. Compare that to a mere 1% interest in a bank account or mutual fund.
With an online business, you can start with little or virtually no money at all.
So you have no excuses to start your very own online business today. If you are unwilling to spend just a few bucks a month, then you are definitely not ready to take control of your financial situation. And sorry to say this but you are not ready to be an entrepreneur.
Click on the link below to instant access to the one thing you need to do to start your very own online business, even if you have little or no money.
>>>>Yes Kevon, give me instant access to start my very own online business today. <<<<<
12. Your Business is Open 24 Hours, Every Day, Even Holidays
With the Internet, your online business can always be open – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
My very first sale was made while I was asleep. I woke up in the morning and saw that 3 people had bought. What a way to start your day.
13. Reach Any Market in the World
Using that same example where I made a sale while I slept. The sales came from three different countries. One person was from the US, another from England and the third was from the Czech Republic. If I had to set up a physical business in each of those three countries the cost would be prohibitive. But with an online business, you can reach anyone, anywhere at anytime. How sweet is that?
14. Your Risks are Very Low. Having a Job is Riskier.
When you start an online business, you virtually have no risk. Yes, you’d risk losing time. You may lose the possibility of foregoing other opportunities. But the risk of an online business compared to a physical business is so insignificant by comparison.
In addition, with the global market access, you are reducing the risk of succumbing to economic risk in any one market. So say the Greek economy goes under. You’d lose possible customers from Greece but because you have other markets you won’t feel the pinch so much.
Consider also the risk of a regular 9 to 5 job. Forty, fifty years ago, even fifteen, twenty years ago, job security was a big thing. People prided themselves on working for a company for 20, 30, 40 years. They felt safe in those jobs. Not anymore.
People get laid off so easily these days. At the slightest sign of trouble, employees are the first to go.
I remember a friend of mine who started a new job and within a week he was let go. Why? He mentioned to his boss that he had to pay child support and that a portion of his salary had to be deducted to be paid to the courts. Do you know what his boss said? She told him that it was too much trouble and that getting a new employee was much easier. So she asked him to leave. Imagine that.
Quite frankly, I believe that having an online business is much safer than a job. The only person standing in your way is you. No one and nothing else is holding you back.
15. You Can Have Multiple Businesses Easily
It is much easier to manage multiple businesses in different niches through the Internet than it is with a physical business.
You’d have to hire different staff or have different factories or offices for different niches. Imagine a tobacco company also making kids toys in the same factory. Sounds weird huh? But with the Internet, it is much easier to have completely unrelated businesses.
Your Next Steps
There you have it – 15 reasons you need to start an online business ASAP.
There are many types of businesses you could set up online.
And with the right mindset, systems, training and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you can work wonders online.
Would you be interested in finding out the one thing you need to do to start an online business today?
If your answer is yes, then click the button below.
Online businesses are the wave of the future. The best part is that you can start an online business without the risk of quitting your day job. It takes dedication, but you can begin to devote hours to online and still be collecting a paycheck, as you learn. When your online business begins to replace your income then you can quit the 9-5 and keep going from there!
Very great advice Enid. That is exactly what I did. I kept my day job while building my business
Great post. Online business is so amazing and it is true since the invention of the internet how it has changed the way we do business. I believe that more than ever we should become a part of this great move and not be left behind.
Yes Norman, the Internet has totally revolutionized the way we live and do business. Can you imagine a world without the Internet? Well I can’t and this is why investing in an online business is the best investment anyone can take for their future and their family.
Thanks for stopping by
Pretty crazy how Amazon doesn’t have a brick and mortar store and Uber has no vehicles. It’s the same with Fiverr.com. If you can create something in demand there’s no end to the possibilities. Look at the pet rock! Lol Great information and ideas here. I think you have laid out some good tips on starting your own business. As far as the Wealthy Affiliate I started with them two years ago and am still building my website daily. It’s made me money and while it took some work I knew it would and am glad I stuck it out.
Hi David,
Digital disruption is totally taking over by storm and guess what. In a few years many traditional jobs would no longer exist. TAke the legal field for example. There are many services that lawyers provide that people are now getting easily online, e.g. contracts – there are loads of contract templates for all sorts of situations. So don’t be surprised if people keep getting laid off more and more over time.
The Internet is the way to go and I am glad that you have already seen this trend and started taking measures to secure your future.
All the best
You make quite a few valid points on why individuals should consider starting an online business… not just an online business, but really a business. It’s extremely difficult to get ahead as a member of the working class. Society certainly isn’t looking to change the status quo. Otherwise, it’d be difficult to separate the haves from the have nots. 🙂
Being working class isn’t awful. However, it does limit your ability to excel. Plus, these days… being working class is a lifetime commitment. As you mentioned, job security is down, social security is in jeopardy, entitlements (benefits you paid into with the expectation you’d see a return on your investment) are being stolen, and pensions are few and far between. As such, most people spend their retirement years in poverty or continuing to work for someone else until death do you part this world.
I love it when people make the choice to invest in themselves. You can be part of a system that oppresses or create a system that works for you. An online business is one way to accomplish that.
Great list!
Wow Renee,
I couldn’t have said it any better than you said it.
Making a choice to invest in yourself is one of the best choices anyone can make.
And while, as you said, being working class is not a bad thing, it is very limiting in terms of the income and financial freedom you can attain.
Thanks for sharing.
Hey Kevon!
Your post was extremely personal! I currently work the 9-5, but I’m getting ready to take web design courses at university.
I believe that the industrial businesses will die, and people will turn to the web for income. I am only 20 years old, and I cannot stand the thought of working for someone to get rich my entire life!
I don’t have a lot of money, but I feel like if I pursue an online career, then I should have lots of money for retirement. I’m really into golf as well, so hopefully I can retire early and beat those old guys 😉
What is a good way to invest your money for retirement?
Hi Kevin.
Thanks for stopping by.
The est way to invest in your retirement is to invest in your very own business. And what better way to start a business than over the Internet.
I totally agree with you about the death of the industrial age. Remember before the industrial age was the agricultural age, then industrial, then service. but now we are in the information age and moving into the experiential age. In other words people are paying for information and experiences. The Internet is the best way to sell either one.
So invest in information and you will do well.
And remember, “the name of the game is to stay in the game until you win the game!”
This is such a great page to really weigh it all out if on online business is right for each individual. I really appreciate all of your time and effort put into making this available to everyone. Thank you!
Thanks Shelli for your comment
Thank you, Kevon, for this thorough and comprehensive walk through of how I can start an online business. The economic climate these days is so unstable.Many people are reported to have lost their jobs due to redundancies going on.
Its even harder for the mid aged folks who have to compete for jobs with fresh young blood.I totally agree with you, starting an online business is the answer.The chances of succeeding are very high.